4 Game-Changing Collaboration Tools Your Team Needs Now
Collaboration can make any business better. Recently I saw a jarring statistic that out of 140,000 corporate executives surveyed, 86% believe a lack of collaboration was responsible for workplace failures
Beyond just performance, collaboration fosters teamwork and enhances employee morale.
Here are seven technologies that we employ at Betach to drive business collaboration.
1. Video conferencing
Video conferencing has become a go-to collaboration technology for many reasons. At Betach we appreciate that we are no longer limited to boardrooms and large meeting venues. Thanks for Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams, our reach and accessibility have been greatly expanded. Because it allows us to express nearly all facets of communication, from tone of voice to facial cues, video conferencing is often our collaborative tool of choice. Sometimes an old fashioned phone call doesn't properly express the camaraderie and empathy we want our customers to feel. Besides increasing productivity and fostering stronger, connected relationships, video collaboration can also help businesses reduce travel costs.
2. Interactive white boards
Widely used in academia, interactive whiteboard technology has been adopted by the business world as a critical collaboration and productivity tool. Interactive whiteboards, like the brand-new Microsoft Surface Hub 2, boost communication, make document annotation easier and more effective, and enable a greater range of data sharing and inter-connectivity that includes Office 365 integration with mobile capabilities. Touch-screens eliminate the need for a mouse or pointer, making them even more collaborative.
3. Artificial Intelligence tools
More and more businesses are using artificial intelligence to make their operations faster and more efficient, but the same technology can improve collaboration among workers. Microsoft Teams bots, for example, utilize machine learning for coworkers to exchange kudos, deliver reports, share data, and train managers to provide helpful feedback. A bot can analyze collective experience to help eliminate repeated mistakes, accelerate learning, better leverage unknown skills, and automatically connect people with other colleagues, research, solutions, and sources of knowledge.
4. Enterprise Networking Tools
It's amazing watching the adoption journey of Microsoft Teams among organizations and how it is quickly becoming a mission critical tool. For me, it's mission critical because of the collaboration and teamwork that's occurring inside, and the data that is being stored is quickly becoming the heartbeat of many organizations and their project teams.
Yammer empowers every person in your company with an open space to connect, share and work out loud. Seamless document sharing, video embedding, and third-party app connectors makes it easy to share an executive message, article, or product update and see tallies of views and likes.
Driving new opportunities
The old saying "two heads are better than one" certainly holds up in the digital-driven age. Technology is driving collaboration in ways we could not have imagined a decade ago. Tools we rely on today will likely get even better in the future-;and they're sure to be joined by some entirely new contenders to create unprecedented opportunity for businesses of all sizes.
Contact us at info@betach.com /(403) 984-2473 to find out how Office 365 collaboration tools can help your organization.